As Canadians we brace ourselves annually for the frigid winter months. When employed or in training, we force ourselves to bundle up and forge on. However, when unemployed; it may be a little more difficult to muster up the energy and motivation to face the elements especially given that the result could possibly be a rejection. If minus 40 degrees is not your thing, there are many activities you can still pursue to keep you in the zone while keeping warm as well.
- Review job boards daily. If able, drop off a resume in person. Be strategic and organized regarding your cold call approach. Distribute a resume to your target employers on the coldest, most brutal day of the year to demonstrate your motivation.
- Engage on LinkedIn. Review your profile to ensure it is up to date. Continue to engage and connect with others in your field.
- Follow Companies on social media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram feeds will keep you up to date with what is happening with your target employers.
- Take online courses to remain current with your skills and knowledge.
- Pursue volunteer work, at least once per week, to provide routine, structure, networking opportunities and current references
- View the classified ads in your local newspaper or online daily.
- Monitor the local news for businesses moving to the area or upcoming job fairs.
- Cold call prospective employers via telephone.
- Conduct informational interviews via phone or email.
- Maintain your physical and emotional health. Eat nutritious foods, exercise and get enough sleep to be energized.
- Develop a job search routine. Whether you are pounding the pavement or searching online, conducting regular job search activities helps to sustain your motivation.
- Target local employers you would like to work for. Review their website and social media feeds for information about job openings.
- Continue to revise your resume and cover letter for positions you wish to pursue.
- Meet with someone for coffee once per week to maintain social contact and network.
- Research target companies via the Scott’s Directory.
- Gear up for spring. There is a great deal of seasonal hiring that will begin as early as February. Brainstorm industries that will be hiring and develop a strategy for applying.
- Consider self-care to maintain positive mental health (relax, regroup, reenergize).
- Mix it up – try something new to challenge yourself.
- Research labour market, academic or career planning information.
- Update your job search log and plan for follow-up activities.
Just because the weather outside is frightful, it does not mean you have to put a freeze on your career goals. Keep busy, keep focused and surround yourself with positive people.
For more assistance with your job search, book an appointment with a Career Counsellor at EPC or check our Workshops & Events section for upcoming dates.