Hiring Criteria

What Employers Want

When applying for a job, the qualifications, skill sets, and personal attributes most sought after vary depending industry and company standards. Based on candid employer input, we have devised a list of the criteria most employers can agree on. Whether you are revising your resume, writing a cover letter, completing an online application, preparing for an interview, completing your LinkedIn profile, or conducting cold calls, these tips can help to provide structure for the information you may want to include.

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Tips for Acing Your Next Interview

There is no denying that the most stressful aspect of trying to find work can be the job interview. Landing a job interview indicates that the employer views you as a suitable candidate. Now it is time to make sure that you are putting your best foot forward. Finding a way to ‘stand out in the crowd’ can be a challenge. Researching the company, conducting a mock interview, doing a trial run to find out how long it will take you to get there, reviewing your resume, choosing your interview clothes, and packing extra copies of your resume and reference page are all great strategies to prepare for the interview. Being able to outline your qualifications and provide examples of how you cope with challenges in the workplace will provide the employer with a better picture of how you might fit into their organization. Based on input from local employers, we have prepared a list to help you ensure that you are truly prepared for your next job interview.

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Tips for Working from Home (during COVID-19)

As many businesses become closed to the public, we find ourselves in an unfamiliar world. While working from home is not by any means a new concept, mandated business closures create unique challenges. Having solid strategies to deal with confidentiality, client rapport and support, effective communication and time management allows us to maintain business operations during difficult times.

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“This is Life Altering!”

Most of us take for granted the access that we have to technology, resources, products and services. This is not the case for everyone and, for those with a disability; the world can be a very different place. Imagine going to a restaurant and having to choose your dinner by the pictures because you cannot read the menu. Imagine the challenge of trying to write down the details for an upcoming interview or applying for a job online in a timed format. In a competitive job market, a certain level of literacy is required and even those with passion, skills, personality and a post-secondary education can be left behind if the proper resources are not available.

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Benefits to Connecting with Potential Employers on Social Media

For years we have been told that the majority of jobs are in the ‘hidden job’ market meaning that only 10-20 percent of positions are advertised. As a result,  a very small portion of your weekly job search should be dedicated to newspaper ads and internet job boards and the majority spent on identifying potential job prospects with targeted employers in your area of skill or training.

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How to Write an Accomplish-based Resume

There are many options for promoting yourself to potential employers. Whether you are using a CV, chronological resume, functional/skills-based resume, portfolio, promotional video, social media platforms, personal website, or LinkedIn profile, there are many ways to highlight your qualifications and attributes.
In addition to recommending the use of keywords, there is an emerging focus on headlining accomplishment-based examples. This format allows the job seeker to portray their value, innovation, and special skills.

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You Have Graduated From High School – Now What?

To say that deciding what you want to do for the rest of your life before age 18 is difficult is an understatement. With an ever changing labour market, it is predicted that by 2020 many of the careers that will be lucrative do not even exist yet. In addition, we have seen an emerging pattern of multiple careers over one’s work lifetime. What that means is the work life your parents knew with full time, permanent, lifetime positions with benefits and a company pension plan is not the vocational landscape of today. Yet, due to the changes in the world of work, there are also more opportunities to land international jobs, work in the gig economy, pursue careers related to innovation, or develop your entrepreneurial spirit by finding unique ways to solve current problems.
That being said, you may now find yourself at a crossroad attempting to identify whether employment, post-secondary education, apprenticeship, volunteerism or travel is the next step for you. We have devised a checklist of recommendations and resources to help you with this decision.

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10 Tips for Ensuring Online Privacy

As many individuals and companies worldwide are gravitating to online learning courses, professional development webinars and online meetings; cybersecurity becomes an important consideration in maintaining personal privacy. The platform Zoom has increased its audience during COVID-19, quickly becoming the front-runner for connecting learners and professionals growing from 10 million users to over 200 million users in three months. As we maintain physical distancing, you may now have more time and opportunities to access free online training courses that can enhance your skills, knowledge and resume.

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