What Are Recruiters Seeing When They Check Out Your Digital Footprint?

Years ago the term ‘digital footprint’ would not have been referenced when discussing job search preparation yet today we know that over 90 percent of employers are checking you out online at some point during the hiring process. While you may think that this tactic is an invasion of privacy, the harsh reality is that when you post something on one of your platforms YOU are sharing it with the world and, unless modified in privacy settings, anyone can access this information freely. We are increasingly hearing about educational scholarships and job opportunities being lost because of something recruiters have found online that does not align with their professional brand or vision. We all know the marketplace is competitive so putting our best foot forward is to our advantage. This begs the question “Is your behavior on social media platforms helping or harming your career prospects”?

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Benefits to Connecting with Potential Employers on Social Media

For years we have been told that the majority of jobs are in the ‘hidden job’ market meaning that only 10-20 percent of positions are advertised. As a result,  a very small portion of your weekly job search should be dedicated to newspaper ads and internet job boards and the majority spent on identifying potential job prospects with targeted employers in your area of skill or training.

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Are you considering Self-Employment?

To say that there has been a dramatic change in the world of work would be an understatement. From full time, permanent employment with benefits and job security to part-time, contract, virtual jobs in a gig economy, it can be difficult to know how to carve out a career in this new landscape. If you are a job seeker, career changer or lifelong learner with varied skills sets and a diverse knowledge base, self-employment may be just what you are looking for. The trick is having a solid idea for your business and knowing how to get started. In the Peterborough community, we are fortunate to have a variety of resources that provide an array of services and opportunities. Today we will be highlighting the Greater Peterborough Innovation Cluster, a dynamic and unique organization that provide access to programs, professional partners and self-employment workshops for both physical and virtual clients.

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Candid Advice From Employers

Sometimes it is difficult trying to figure out what employers are looking for. How often should they be contacted? What information are they looking for? What factors will make me look like the most suitable candidate? We have highlighted a list of the recommendations, taken directly from our Career Week 2017 Employer Panel, to help address some of the common questions.

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Tips and Tricks for Finding and Keeping a Job

During Career Week 2019, we hosted an Employer Panel comprised of The Kawartha Pineridge District School Board, The Keg Steakhouse, Foodland, Kawartha Guard Service and Comfort Keepers. These employers graciously provided us with the following strategies for success when trying to find and keep a job:

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Tips for Acing Your Next Interview

There is no denying that the most stressful aspect of trying to find work can be the job interview. Landing a job interview indicates that the employer views you as a suitable candidate. Now it is time to make sure that you are putting your best foot forward. Finding a way to ‘stand out in the crowd’ can be a challenge. Researching the company, conducting a mock interview, doing a trial run to find out how long it will take you to get there, reviewing your resume, choosing your interview clothes, and packing extra copies of your resume and reference page are all great strategies to prepare for the interview. Being able to outline your qualifications and provide examples of how you cope with challenges in the workplace will provide the employer with a better picture of how you might fit into their organization. Based on input from local employers, we have prepared a list to help you ensure that you are truly prepared for your next job interview.

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Starting Over – Tips for Overcoming Loss

Many of us have dealt with career-related losses in our work life. Whether it is from a company downsizing, business closure, workplace termination or a failed business venture, the need to regroup and start over again can be daunting. The workingcentre.org highlights information on the Job Loss Cycle in their article, Job Loss – stages of Grieving. When you find yourself experiencing denial and isolation, anger, bargaining/desperation, depression and acceptance, it is important to recognize that these are all natural stages and reactions associated with the loss of your employment situation. Everyone responds to job loss in a different manner.

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10 Effective Strategies for Researching Companies

As a job seeker, you have likely heard that it is beneficial to research companies that you would like to work for. This research can help you gain a better understanding of what the company is all about which in turn helps you to better tailor your resume, cover letter and interview responses. We have outlined 10 effective strategies for making the most of your company research.

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