10 Top Resume Writing Tips

Your resume is one of the tools that tells your story, highlights your suitability for a prospective job, and has the potential to set you apart from your competition. With this in mind, a resume should be regularly reviewed and revised to ensure that the most current and suitable information is provided to recruiters. We have devised 10 resume writing tips to cross-reference before you submit your next application.

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Gearing up for the New Year

At this time of year, many people are gearing down from other activities as they prepare for the holidays. “I will get back on track in the new year” is a common phrase used by many. Yet the holiday season can provide excellent opportunities for networking as we attend events where we may not have seen people for a very long time. This gives us the opportunity to have a conversation in a more relaxed setting.

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What’s the deal with WHMIS 2015?

There has been much confusion with the inception of WHMIS 2015. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System training has existed for quite some time and, undenounced to most of us, was known as WHMIS 1988.

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What to Do When You Are Not a Morning Person

Regardless of how much you may love your job, sometimes when the alarm goes off, the thought of getting out of bed can be daunting. This can be is normal response occasionally, but if it begins to become common place you may want to incorporate some strategies to help you ‘get it together’ in the morning:

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