For many people, the need to change careers may be imposed upon them. Company downsizing and positions becoming obsolete may result in job seekers feeling the pressure to retrain. Whether it is continuous education classes or more formal post-secondary diploma or degree programs, it is undeniable that lifelong learning is now a survival skill in today's competitive marketplace.
In other circumstances, career planning may involve re-inventing yourself within the company you are currently employed. There are pros and cons to every job but at some point the likelihood of feeling bored or unchallenged may prompt a desire to pursue a new skill set. New training can enhance both professional expertise and reflect favourably on the company image. Providing enhanced services to customers or being seen as a pioneer in a niche market lead to a positive outcome for both the company and the professional.
Four years ago, I registered for a Social Media Marketing Certificate through George Brown College.
With the support of my employer, I was able to work full time and pursue distance education on a part time basis. The course content was not only practical but it also became evident that this information could be incredibly useful to EPC’s job seekers, students, and entrepreneurs. After completing this education, together with my colleague Anthony Berardi, we created two workshops; Positive Digital Footprint and LinkedIn. In addition to facilitating these workshops for our clients, we are now presenting the material at employment and education related conferences. With such a great response from other career professionals, we developed the Digital Job Search Coach Certificate Program. This training enables career professionals in school boards and community agencies to assist their students and clients in developing skills in professional online branding and strategic networking.
What I have experienced in the past four years has dramatically changed my view of my job and the advantages of cross training. These are some of the lessons I have learned along the way:
- A supportive employer can make all the difference in the world regarding your career options
- Professional development opportunities open your mind to new possibilities and ensure that you remain current
- Creating your own ‘value’ position within an organization is both hard work and incredibly rewarding
- Having a ‘like-minded’ colleague and a shared vision can profit you and your company in unimaginable ways
- Nothing good ever happens without taking risks
- Any success shared by one employee is the result of having an awesome group of skilled peers providing collaboration and support
- Job satisfaction is heavily rooted in enjoying the journey rather than focusing on the destination
- Following trail blazers, experimenting, and taking risks increase knowledge, passion, and drive
- Going the ‘extra mile’ definitely pays off
- Feelings of personal success must be accompanied with humility and gratitude
- Anything worth doing is worth giving 200 percent
- Having a job you love can lead to delayed retirement plans
- Dream big, develop a vision, set clear goals, and surround yourself with brilliant minds, motivating personalities, and supportive souls
Following a 3 day adventure, working in a remote First Nations community, the most powerful lesson I have learned is this...we become the very best version of ourselves when we realize we have way more to learn from others than we have to offer.
For more assistance with your job search, book an appointment with a Career Counsellor at EPC or check our Workshops & Events section for upcoming dates.